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Vaanavil Vaazhkai Official Trailer 2 | James Vasanthan | Latest Tamil Movies | 2015 Tamil Trailers

3 Visualizzazioni· 09/20/23
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Vaanavil Vaazhkai Official Trailer! Vaanavil Vaazhkai is an upcoming Tamil Musical Film. Vaanavil Vaazhkai Tamil Movie is James Vasanthan's debut venture as a director. Vaanavil Vaazhkai Movie is India's first full length musical film. Vaanavil Vaazhkai Upcoming Tamil Movie stars a host of newcomers in the lead roles.<br />Click Here To Subscribe! ---- http://goo.gl/udhCV1<br /><br />Vaanavil Vaazhkai is James Vasanthan's debut as a feature filmmaker. James Vasanthan has composed the songs other than writing and directing Vaanavil Vaazhkai. Vaanavil Vaazhkai movie is about the rivalry among students in college culturals. James Vasanthan has written the screenplay revolving around a college cultural fest.<br /><br />Vaanavil Vaazhkai is the first movie to feature all newcomer cast with musical knowledge. The cast of Vaanavil Vaazhkai have played their respective instruments themselves in the movie.<br /><br />Genre - Musical<br /><br />Music - James Vasanthan<br /><br />Direction - James Vasanthan<br /><br />Watch New Tamil Movie Online - Lingaa<br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wQO3-HHw-c&list=PL6eYJImIZdQ6PVncrq80II_0xF2awUTZE<br /><br />New Tamil Movie Inba Watch Online<br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAzl4ZzhSNk&list=PL6eYJImIZdQ7LO0jwHMp_QKsChBRx8Chg<br /><br />Watch Tamil Movie Online - Kaalai<br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGib8_ekckA&list=PL6eYJImIZdQ6r5Uy6VRAj-KWwHL0z3fSZ<br /><br />Latest Tamil Movie Mariyadhai Online<br />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhz_lr3k7T8&list=PL6eYJImIZdQ5dMyymMfG7KjqJWGKvRjG3<br /><br />Click Here To Subscribe! ---- http://goo.gl/udhCV1<br />Facebook ---- http://www.facebook.com/APINTERNATIONAL<br />Online Purchase ---- http://www.apinternationalfilms.com/<br />Blog ---- http://apinternationalfilms.blogspot.com/<br /> http://www.apinternationalfilms.in/

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